Thursday 8 January 2015

So, Where's The Wifi?

'Where Is The Wifi?' or 'Where's The Wifi?' if you're feeling friendly is my online travel diary. It's the space where I publish my awful photos, embarrassing stories and unasked for advice. It's the stuff I'd write in my diary - but who actually uses a pen or paper anymore?

I'm joking, obviously, but the title is pretty accurate. I'm not ashamed to be a Gen Y traveller. More power to those of you that travelled without technology but I love that I can research my next destination, make friends and find money saving deals all whilst letting my parents know I wasn't eaten by a shark and keeping up with the latest funny cat video on YouTube.

This is the diary of an explorer with a never ending wanderlust that just happens to like the fact her smartphone alerts about breaking news and her friends can never forget her face thanks to Skype and the indecent amount of selfies.

I can live without my laptop, phone and the internet and I often do but when I can't wait to catch up with my loved ones or find out which Kardashian sister is getting a divorce next I have no shame in asking "Where's the wifi?!"
